quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Apresentações DEFCON 19

Se você, assim como eu, gostaria de estar na DEFCON 19  em Las Vegas, mas estava muito ocupado com seus afazeres diários, aqui está a solução! Agora você pode fazer o download de quase todas as apresentações que rolaram no DEFCON deste ano totalmente de graça. Tem muita coisa interessante, e os temas são bastante atuais, como é de praxe da DEFCON.
Para quem nunca ouviu falar, a DEFCON é uma das maiores convenções hacker do mundo! Ela acontece anualmente na cidade de Nevada, em Las Vegas. Os participantes da convenção são profissionais em segurança, jornalistas, crackers, cyber-criminosos, advogados, hackers com interesses em programação, arquitetura de computadores, phreaking, modificação de hardware, ou qualquer coisa que pode ser "hackeada", inclusive caixas eletrônicos :)

Boa leitura!


When Space Elephants Attack: A DEFCON Challenge for Database Geeks

Leia (PDF

Chema Alonso, Juan Garrido "Silverhack"

Bosses love Excel, Hackers too.

Leia (PDF)

Chema Alonso, Juan Garrido "Silverhack"

Dust: Your Feed RSS Belongs To You! Avoid Censorship!

Leia (PDF)

James "Myrcurial" Arlen

Security When Nano Seconds Count

Leia (Slides | White Paper)

Mike Arpaia, Ted Reed

Beat to 1337: Creating A Successful University Cyber Defense Organization

Leia (PDF)

Adam Baldwin

Pillaging DVCS Repos For Fun And Profit

Leia (Slides | White Paper)

Andrea Barisani, Adam Laurie, Zac Franken & Daniele Bianco

Chip & PIN is Definitely Broken

Leia (PDF)

Bruce "Grymoire" Barnett

Deceptive Hacking: How Misdirection Can Be Used To Steal Information Without Being Detected

Leia (Slides | White Paper)

Olivier Bilodeau

Fingerbank — Open DHCP Fingerprints Database

Leia (PDF)

Olivier Bilodeau

PacketFence, The Open Source Nac: What We've Done In The Last Two Years

Leia (PDF)

Emmanuel Bouillon

Federation and Empire

Leia (PDF)

Sam Bowne

Three Generations of DoS Attacks (with Audience Participation, as Victims)

Leia (PDF)

Jeff Bryner

Kinectasploit: Metasploit Meets Kinect

Leia (PDF)

Marcus J. Carey, David Rude & Will Vandevanter

Metasploit vSploit Modules

Leia (PDF)

George Chamales

Lives On The Line: Securing Crisis Maps In Libya, Sudan, And Pakistan

Leia (PDF)

Ming Chow

Abusing HTML5

Leia (PDF | PDF)

Christopher Cleary

Operational Use of Offensive Cyber

Leia (PDF)

Kees Cook

Kernel Exploitation Via Uninitialized Stack

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Greg Conti

The Art and Science of Security Research

Leia (PDF)

Paul Craig

Internet Kiosk Terminals : The Redux

Leia (PDF)

Adrian Crenshaw "Irongeek"

Cipherspaces/Darknets: An Overview Of Attack Strategies

Leia (PDF)

Daniel Crowley

Speaking with Cryptographic Oracles

Leia (PDF)

Phil Cryer

Taking Your Ball And Going Home; Building Your Own Secure Storage Space That Mirrors Dropbox's Functionality

Leia (PDF)

Jack Daniel, James Arlen, Joshua Corman, Alex Hutton, Martin McKeay & Dave Shackleford

PCI 2.0: Still Compromising Controls and Compromising Security

Leia (PDF)

Ganesh Devarajan, Don LeBert

VDLDS — All Your Voice Are Belong To Us

Leia (PDF)

Deviant Ollam

Safe to Armed in Seconds: A Study of Epic Fails of Popular Gun Safes

Leia (PDF)

Artem Dinaburg

Bit-squatting: DNS Hijacking Without Exploitation

Leia (PDF)

Alva 'Skip' Duckwall

A Bridge Too Far: Defeating Wired 802.1x with a Transparent Bridge Using Linux

Leia (PDF)

Nelson Elhage

Virtualization under attack: Breaking out of KVM

Leia (PDF)

Tim Elrod, Stefan Morris

I Am Not a Doctor but I Play One on Your Network

Leia (PDF)

Dr. Patrick Engebretson, Dr. Josh Pauli

Mamma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Pen Testers - (a.k.a. Everything Your Guidance Counselor Forgot to Tell You About Pen Testing)

Leia (PDF)

Ben Feinstein, Jeff Jarmoc

"Get Off of My Cloud": Cloud Credential Compromise and Exposure

Leia (PDF)


Handicapping the US Supreme Court: Can We Get Rich by Forceful Browsing?

Leia (White Paper)

Gus Fritschie, Mike Wright

Getting F***** On the River

Leia (PDF)

Daniel Garcia

UPnP Mapping

Leia (PDF)

Andrew Gavin

Gone in 60 Minutes: Stealing Sensitive Data from Thousands of Systems Simultaneously with OpenDLP

Leia (PDF)

Kenneth Geers 

Strategic Cyber Security: An Evaluation of Nation-State Cyber Attack Mitigation Strategies

Leia (Slides | White Paper)

Ramon Gomez

Bulletproofing The Cloud: Are We Any Closer To Security?

Leia (PDF)

Anch, blakdayz, Anarchy Angel, ngharo, Itzik Kotler, Jake "GenericSuperhero" & converge

Represent! Defcon Groups, Hackerspaces, and You.

Leia (PDF)

Nathan Hamiel, Gregory Fleischer, Justin Engler & Seth Law

Smartfuzzing The Web: Carpe Vestra Foramina

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Rob Havelt, Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique

Earth vs. The Giant Spider: Amazingly True Stories of Real Penetration Tests

Leia (PDF)

Deral Heiland

From Printer To Pwnd: Leveraging Multifunction Printers During Penetration Testing

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Thomas J. Holt, Max Kilger

Assessing Civilian Willingness to Participate in On-Line Political and Social Conflict

Leia (PDF)

Rick Howard

An Insider's Look at International Cyber Security Threats and Trends

Leia (PDF | White Paper)

Robert "Hackajar" Imhoff-Dousharm

Economics of Password Cracking in the GPU Era

Leia (PDF)

Aseem "@" Jakhar

Jugaad – Linux Thread Injection Kit

Leia (PDF)

Matt 'openfly' Joyce

The Art of Trolling

Leia (PNG)

Dave Kennedy (ReL1K)

Hacking Your Victims Over Power Lines

Leia (PDF)

Brian Kennish

Tracking the Trackers: How Our Browsing History Is Leaking into the Cloud

Leia (PDF)

Alexander Kornbrust

Hacking and Securing DB2 LUW Databases

Leia (PDF)

Itzik Kotler, Iftach Ian Amit

Sounds Like Botnet

Leia (PDF)

Matt Krick "DCFluX"

DCFluX in: License to Transmit

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Anthony Lai, Benson Wu, Jeremy Chiu & PK

Balancing The Pwn Trade Deficit – APT Secrets in Asia

Leia (PDF)

Grayson Lenik

I'm Your MAC(b)Daddy

Leia (PDF)

Ryan Linn

PIG: Finding Truffles Without Leaving A Trace

Leia (PDF)

Joey Maresca

We're (The Government) Here To Help: A Look At How FIPS 140 Helps (And Hurts) Security

Leia (PDF)

Jon McCoy

Hacking .Net Applications: The Black Arts

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Wesley McGrew

Covert Post-Exploitation Forensics With Metasploit

Leia (PDF | White Paper | Extras)

John McNabb

Vulnerabilities of Wireless Water Meter Networks

Leia (PDF)

Charlie Miller

Battery Firmware Hacking

Leia (PDF)

Steve Ocepek

Blinkie Lights: Network Monitoring with Arduino

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Kyle 'Kos' Osborn, Matt Johanson

Hacking Google Chrome OS

Leia (PDF)

Nicholas J. Percoco, Paul Kehrer

Getting SSLizzard

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Nicholas J. Percoco, Jibran Ilyas

Malware Freak Show 3: They're pwning er'body out there!

Leia (PDF)

Nicholas J. Percoco, Sean Schulte

This is REALLY not the droid you're looking for...

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Josh Phillips

Hacking MMORPGs for Fun and Mostly Profit

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Gregory Pickett

Port Scanning Without Sending Packets

Leia (PDF | Extras)

Jason M. Pittman

My password is: #FullOfFail! — The Core Problem with Authentication and How We Can Overcome It

Leia (PDF)

Semon Rezchikov, Morgan Wang & Joshua Engelman

Why Airport Security Can't Be Done FAST

Leia (PDF)

Michael Robinson

What Time Are You Anyway?

Leia (PDF)

Michael "theprez98" Schearer

WTF Happened to the Constitution?! The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age

Leia (PDF)

Jimmy Shah

Mobile App Moolah: Profit taking with Mobile Malware

Leia (PDF)


Hacking the Global Economy with GPUs or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bitcoin

Leia (PDF)

John J. Strauchs, Tiffany Rad, Teague Newman & Dora The SCADA Explorer

SCADA & PLCs in Correctional Facilities: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Leia (PDF)

Jayson E. Street

Steal Everything, Kill Everyone, Cause Total Financial Ruin! (Or How I Walked In And Misbehaved)

Leia (PDF)

Chris "TheSuggmeister" Sumner, alien & Alison B

Weaponizing Cyberpsychology and Subverting Cybervetting for Fun, Profit and Subterfuge

Leia (PDF)

Bruce Sutherland

How To Get Your Message Out When Your Government Turns Off The Internet

Leia (PDF)

Martin Holst Swende, Patrik Karlsson

Web Application Analysis With Owasp Hatkit

Leia (PDF)

Mike Tassey, Rich Perkins

Wireless Aerial Surveillance Platform

Leia (PDF)

Richard Thieme

Staring into the Abyss: The Dark Side of Crime-fighting, Security, and Professional Intelligence

Leia (PDF)

Marketa Trimble

The Future of Cybertravel: Legal Implications of the Evasion of Geolocation

Leia (PDF)

Shawn Webb

Runtime Process Insemination

Leia (PDF)

Matt "scriptjunkie" Weeks

Network Nightmare: Ruling The Nightlife Between Shutdown And Boot With Pxesploit

Leia (PDF)

Yekaterina Tsipenyuk O'Neil, Erika Chin

Seven Ways to Hang Yourself with Google Android

Leia (PDF)

Jos Weyers

Key Impressioning

Leia (PDF)

Thomas Wilhelm

Staying Connected during a Revolution or Disaster

Leia (PDF)

Andrew Wilson, Michael Brooks

Traps of Gold

Leia (PDF)

Brad Woodberg

Network Application Firewalls: Exploits and Defense

Leia (PDF)

Joey Zhu

Phishing and Online Scam in China

Leia (PDF)

Zoz, Andrea Bianchi

Vanquishing Voyeurs: Secure Ways To Authenticate Insecurely

Leia (PDF)

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